Local professionals understand the sensitivity of disability in social protection

Implementation period: October 2022 – December 2023

Starting in 2022, with the support of UNICEF, ASET Center began contributing to the implementation of the disability assessment reform according to the biopsychosocial model. In partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the State Social Service, medical and social staff involved in the assessment scheme were empowered through one-on-one training sessions across 12 regions of the country. These trainings initially involved family doctors, specialist doctors, and social administrators, with a total of 585 doctors and social administrators trained.

In parallel, ASET Center worked to establish regional forums in 2023 as part of the project, which turned out to be a good practice for bringing together various regional actors. This experience, created by ASET Center, enabled the development of a platform for the forums to further strengthen dialogue between the local, regional, and central levels in the implementation process of biopsychosocial assessment and to reinforce connections with the local referral mechanism, service providers, and professionals in the social field. At the same time, the need to further strengthen links and cooperation between multidisciplinary committees and service providers at the local level and the local referral mechanism was observed. For this purpose, the forum platform was seen as necessary to further enhance dialogue between local, regional, and central levels in the process of implementing biopsychosocial assessment and strengthening connections with the local referral mechanism, service providers, and professionals, a goal achieved by 2023.

The assessment committees were supported with promotional materials to raise community awareness about the new disability assessment method. For this purpose, a video spot with a real story was produced and widely distributed on social media.